Showing posts with label Flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flowers. Show all posts

Metamorphosis | Butterfly blog | Capturegenic

 Everyone is like a butterfly at starting, we start out ugly and awkward and under go remarkable transformation  in life but it depends upon us that how patiently we wait for the right time and how bravely we break our cocoon, our comfort zone with our elegant but strong wings and then morph into beautiful , graceful butterflies that everyone loves, that’s ready to share its beauty with the world. And then, there is no looking back....

                                                                                                        -  Kamya 🦋

Facts to stimulate your mind  1.The butterfly and moth develop through a process called metamorphosis. This is a Greek word that means transformation or change in shape.

 2.  Butterflies are cold-blooded and require – in ideal settings – a body temperature of approximately 85 degrees to activate their flight muscles. If the weather begins changing some species simply migrate in search of sunshine. Some, like the North American Monarch, travel an average of 2,500 miles!


Photographist : Kamya 🌸

Macro Shots : Skyvik signi 3 in 1

I think you have loved these butterfly shots by me if you have scrolled till here. I'd be much grateful for any comments, feed backs or suggestions you might have for me. And I would love to know which shot you liked the most :)

See you in the next blog soon, till then,

Have a wonderful day and take care and....

always remember to love yourself first!! ❤

World Photography Day Special Blog

 First of all, Wish you a very Happy World Photography Day.....

The World Photography Day brings together people who share a passion to capture moments and ideas and show the world how it looks like. Like historians, photographers, too, document the present for future generations to understand the past. 

So, on this joyous occasion, I am presenting some of the beautiful and unique shots by me. And I want to announce that some of the blogs with amazing amazing pictures are on their way and from now-onwards, there will be releasing two blogs a week. And at last but not the least, I would love to quote that : 

" Life is like a Camera, You focus on what's important, capture the good times, Develop from the negative and if things don't work out, Take another shot.... "

 Camera ke peeche ki ladki - Kamya

I hope that you liked the uniqueness and the beauty of this blog. Each shot is unique and special for me in itself.  And if you liked it, don't keep it to yourself, share this blog to the world through your social media. :)
Tell me your opinion about life as quoted above and on my new announcement.  I feel as though more could be said, what are your thoughts
Is there anything you'd like to share with me? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below ......
See you in the next blog soon....
Till then, Take Care ❤

Exotic Flowers | Budding Photo Blog | Nature Blog

 Time is like a flower, the way the outer petals fall away to reveal the inner ones. An inner petal would never know the older, outer ones, even though it was shaped by them, and only the viewer who plucked the flower would see how each petal was connected to the others.

                                             ― Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, The Palace of Illusions

 { Time is just like a flower, the same petal can never unfold twice. Just as the inner petal, we never know how and by what means we were and are shaped by the mother nature or the universe. Only the forces, the time and the divine knows it all. 

                                                 - Kamya ❤}

Captured and edited by : Kamya 💙

I hope you liked this blog about some weird but exotic looking flowers. Tell  me which one you liked the most and any other ideas with me in the comments below, I would love to hear it out from you and answer asap. ❤

Loved my photography or content? 😍 Consider commenting, following and also show some love on other blog posts too. 🙃❤️

    My Other Blogs : Macro MysteriesMy Insect CollectionVillage Vibes, Sunset Series pt-1 

Till then Take Care ❤

Rain Photography | PhotoBlog | Part - 1


“We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one.” — Jacques Yves Cousteau :)

( At birth, as in evaporation, we separate out from the supreme almighty, the divine abode as a water droplet separates from the huge water body. 🌊 In the atmosphere, in this life, we laugh, we cry, we try, we fail, we learn ,we gain experience as a water droplet condensed in a cloud, floating in the huge sky  over different places. ☁️ We nurture our loved ones with all our experience and love as precipitation 🌦️ and at last, at death, we all return back to our real home, the Divine abode as a water droplet returns back to the water body, either to eternally live there or to again dwell into another universe, another form. 🌈✨💧

                                                                                                              - Kamya ❤️ )

I hope you liked some ideas of rain photography by me. Share your views with me in the comments below, I would love to hear it out from you. ❤

Loved my photography or content? Consider commenting, following and also show some love on other blog posts too.

    My Other Blogs : Macro MysteriesMy Insect Collection , An Emerging Home Baker 

My Viewbug :

      500px :

Take Care 

With ❤❤

Kolkata ki durga puja

सर्वमङ्गलमाङ्गल्ये   शिवे   सर्वार्थसाधिके  । शरण्ये   त्र्यम्बके   गौरि   नारायणि   नमोऽस्तु   ते  ॥ Wish you and your family a very happy ...