10 Least known Photography genres - part 1

10 Least known Photography genres- Part 1

  Hi readers, once again welcome to my new blog post. Photography includes many types but today I am going to introduce you to 10 genres or types of photography that you don't know about or you don't have much info about it. So, let's indulge in the world of knowledge.....

1. Adventure Photography - Anything adventurous, from hiking to scuba diving, photographed in great outdoors comes in this genre. It includes stunning landscapes and challenging shooting conditions. Hiking, biking, backpacking and camping with gear is the thing that photographers of this genre are very familiar and comfortable with.

2. City-scape photography - It is the representation of the physical aspects of a city, metropolis or an urban area either in the day or at the night time. It is also the urban counterpart of landscape. Wide angle lenses are needed to achieve these type of shots and a tripod is needed to avoid any shake or blur.

3. Editorial Photography -  This genre is usually related to photos used in newspapers and magazines. It incorporates different aspects like Fashion, Sports or Event  Photography, generally taken in a candid manner. Usually these photos illustrate a story that is newsworthy, educational or informative.

4. Fine Art Photography - Fine Art Photography involves photography as well as conceptual ideas. In this genre, the photographer tries to convey a message, an idea or emotion or concept through it's photo. Here, capturing is not the main purpose. The message can be artistic statements too.

5. Fish Eye Photography - This genre of photography completely depends upon one thing i.e. extreme panoramic perspective created by the fish eye lens. Due to huge field of view and strong visual distortion, it is also called "Wild Beasts" in the world of camera lenses. In reality, these lenses are much more than curiosities. It can be a very powerful tool that can produce powerful effects in the hands of a skilled photographer. 

6. Infrared Photography - In Infrared Photography, harnessing the infrared light is important. In this genre, a sensor which is sensitive to infrared light and filters are needed. It has an inherent WOW factor of displaying familiar scenes in a new way.

7. Scientific Photography - This genre is not that much creative but more related to science. In this, photo imaging techniques such as infrared, thermal or ultra-violet imaging to take pictures that illustrate or record scientific or medical data. Scientific photographers generally have background knowledge in Biology, Chemistry, Engineering or Medicine.

8. Tilt Shift Photography - In Tilt Shift Photography, you can change the focus not only horizontally but vertically also. This genre can be very creative. From a high vantage point, you can make buildings look tiny as a model village.

9.Time Lapse Photography - In this genre, a series of shots of the same scene or a subject are captured to depict a change in them with respect to time. After a collection of shots taken and post-processing done, it shows the subject being changed or affected with the passage of time. Generally, motion of stars, sun, moon, or other celestial bodies, growth of a plant or flower is shown in pictures in this genre.

10. War Photography - It involves photographing armed conflicts and the effects of war on places and people. It is a form of photojournalism and documentary photography. Later, these photographs are used for editorial purposes.

Photos by - Anonymous

I hope you found this blog post informative. The part 2 of this will be coming soon. Till then, please do comment and share this with your family and friends. If any suggestions, please share it in the comments below, I would love to hear it from you :)

Till then,

Take care <3 


  1. Thanku so much for giving this informations 😊 i loved the style of photography 🤩💖 and waiting for second part too 😍❣️ keep going on👍

    1. Ur thinking is great yar!
      Litrally i would say the same that i loved the style of ur photography ❤❤
      Keep it up!♡
      By the every one has different talents , you have another different talent u should be proud of yourself!

    2. Thank you so much dear for your constant support <3

  2. Amazing 😊👍✨
    Keep going dear 💕


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